Friday, June 12, 2009


After you have made the RIGHT decision to come join us all you have to do is register with us.

Registering steps:
#1: Go into a Wells Fargo and pay required amount into the 'Mountain View Class of '99' account by JULY 8th. The account # is 5917653015. *If you have a Wells Fargo account you can do it online.

#2: Email Dustin McGee@ with the date, transaction #, amount of payment, and the names of the people paid for. This is your ticket to the dinner. *You do not need to do this if you do it online.

**$20 a person attending dinner. This goes towards dinner, dj, waters, possible blowup toys, etc.
**If you have no way of getting to a Wells Fargo or no one in the area to do it for you please email Dustin.


  1. What if we can only attend the day event? Is it still $20 per person?
